Our ServicePackage
It's already stressful planning a semester abroad in Heidelberg so we made something especially for international studentst: The ServicePackage! You can order it already before your arrival. This will ensure you stress-free travel to Heidelberg with the knowledge that your dormitory room is already waiting for you.
✔ student halls room for one semester (= 6 months)
✔ personal advisor
✔ CampusCard topped up with 95€
✔ The ServicePackage is 2.800€ (plus a 650€ deposit for the dormitory room) for one semester (= 6 months)
Who can apply for a ServicePackage?
Applicants from abroad with little to no knowledge of German who have not yet studied or lived in Germany and have submitted an application for admission to Heidelberg University or the Heidelberg University of Education. However, short-term or programme students (e.g. Erasmus) as well as students from German-speaking countries will be given lower priority.
When does the ServicePackage contract begin and end?
When does the ServicePackage contract begin and end? The administrative semester at Heidelberg University begins on 1st October in the winter semester and ends on 31st March. The summer semester begins on 1st April and ends on 30th September. The ServicePackage contract therefore begins accordingly on 1st October or 1st April. If you attend a preparatory language course in September or March, you can also start the ServicePackage one month earlier. (This costs an extra 400€.) Please contact us for more information (in German or English): internationales@stw.uni-heidelberg.de
For how long can you book a ServicePackage?
A ServicePackage can only be booked for one semester. After this time period, it is possible to prolong the contract as a regular rental contract (without the ServicePackage).
Can I choose my dormitory?
Unfortunately, you can't choose the dormitory. (You will however receive a furnished single room in a flatshare in one of the following dormitories: INF 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 660-662, 674-683.)
Is there a deadline for applications?
Yes. For the winter semester it is 15th July. For the summer semester it is 15th January.
Kristian Willenbacher
ServiceCenter at Universitätsplatz, Grabengasse 12, 69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221 54-2600
Fax: 06221 54-3646
E-Mail: internationales@stw.uni-heidelberg.de
Apply here
Due to the housing shortage, please also use our other offers!

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